“I lost two very good friends”: Pierre Gasly speaks with emotion of the disappearances of Jules Bianchi and Anthoine Hubert”

Guest at 8:30 p.m. on Sunday June 2 on France 2, Pierre Gasly speaks openly about his relationship with danger in front of Laurent Delahousse:
"Danger, as a Formula 1 driver, we are obliged to accept it", confided the pilot, now 28 years old, before discussing the disappearances
of Jules Bianchi and Anthoine Hubert: “Unfortunately, we are going through very difficult times.
I lost two very good friends, Jules Bianchi and Anthoine Hubert with whom I was really very, very close."

Source article : https://fr.news.yahoo.com/jai-perdu-deux-tr%C3%A8s-bons-095002212.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAEW0kv1jgcDZLcBc5ofpOTAoviOGnmZ0c1F_lXdyPoNYpWQ3feSc1Ck4DsSYmjYzGiDs-3wmW4sA6pz6bKPWQ2e5_XvbeI8lL38VSlTu1xRcmpvlLgMNEtS5aqxmLO7ApVJf8Fh1QP2WBFGdTu-F7Uph-DPMJzbCj6qDJRXfhQnU
Jules Bianchi is the last Formula 1 driver to lose his life after an accident during competition.
Charles Leclerc dedicates his victory to his dad and Jules Bianchi

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